All instrumental music students (except Jazz Band) will be required to wear formal concert attire for the 2021-2022 music season, as described below. Girls Girls will have two options: 1) dress or 2) shirt & pants combo.
Boys Boys will wear a black tuxedo (with white shirt and royal blue bow tie).
How to Place Your OrderYou will place your order directly with Cousins at their website. You may provide your own formal black shoes or order from Cousins Concert Attire. If you need assistance in getting the appropriate measurements for your child, please use the link at the Concert Attire website for directions on how to measure your child, or telephone the company for step-by-step directions. Please note: All garments come without a hem. In the past, we successfully used Original Hems Studio, 23034 Lake Forest Dr., Lake Forest (949) 916-0111. But you can use your own alterations shop or do the alterations yourself. Please remember to leave time for ordering, shipping, and alterations to have your concert attire ready on time. Ordering deadline is October 8th. Late orders will be accepted, but they will not likely arrive in time for the December concert. We have a limited quantity of gently used attire available as well. Please inquire for details with Fidelma. For additional info, please visit the Cousins Concert Attire website. Please contact Fidelma Roberts by phone or email with any questions or concerns. Information and details can be downloaded below. ![]()
![]() Tonight, parents will have a chance to preview the Marching Band perform this season's show, entitled, Building Towards Tomorrow. The performance will be held in the football stadium at 7:00 PM. Parking will be available at the lot off Serrano. We will have dinner prior to the show. At 5:30 PM, taco dinners will be served by Tacos & Co. If you didn't sign-up for a taco dinner before Tuesday, you can bring your own dinner instead. Parent volunteers are needed for tonight's preview. We need your help to make tonight a success. Please follow this link here to join the sign-up. Details can be found in the flyer below. ![]()
All comers are welcome; the performance is free. Bring out your family and friends as well. The season was cancelled last year due to the pandemic, so this year's show is all the more important. Let's make this comeback season a success! Please come out to show your support for your children.
Our next meeting will be held on Thursday, September 16th, from 7:30 PM. All Booster parents are encouraged to attend. We will be meeting on-campus, in the upper quad area.
We look forward to seeing everyone tonight. It's time for our September dine-out night fundraiser! This month we are dining at Chipotle in Lake Forest (at 22379 El Toro Road, near Stater Brothers; see map below). Make dinner a selfless act and join us for a dine-out night fundraiser to support the Boosters at Chipotle tonight, Wednesday, September 15th, between 5:00 PM and 9:00 PM. Your participation will support the ETHS Instrumental Music and Pageantry Boosters, as 33% of all sales to our supporters will be donated the program. Just be sure to mention the fundraiser, or present one of the flyers below. New this time is online ordering for take-out. Use code B36JXEY before checkout in the promo field to confirm that the order will be counted towards the fundraiser. ![]()
The September newsletter is out, hot off the presses, produced by our hard-working President, Parliamentarian, and staff! In it is information about the Spirit Wear Sale, the Disney Opportunity Drawing, the September RBR practice and football schedule, the Dine-Out Night at Chipotle, upcoming fundraisers, donations, Project Inspire, and the Music Angels sponsorship program. Please click here to view it.