Wednesday is our dine-out fundraiser at The Habit Burger Grill in Lake Forest (click here for a map to their location). Treat your family to a burger night while benefitting your favorite high school music program! 20% of all proceeds will be donated to the program. Please be sure to present the flyer below to the cashier upon ordering (on your phone is fine). ![]()
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Winter Guard competed in a virtual WGSCA Competition this past Saturday, performing "The Future." They received a first place finish in the Scholastic AA Division. A video of their performance is below. Congratulations Chargers! We have less than a week to go in our See's Candies Easter Fundraiser event! We are still behind in our fundraising goal, and this is one of our more important fundraisers. Please place your orders as soon as possible. The deadline for ordering is this Friday, March 19th.
It's not too late. Orders will still arrive in time for Easter and will be shipped directly to you. Placing an order is easy—just visit our virtual store here. So order up some Easter treats for your family today, or just because you love See's Candies! El Toro High School Color Guard will be participating in a virtual competition with their program, "The Future." How's that gonna work? Should be interesting. El Toro will compete in the Scholastic AA Division. The competition is being hosted by the WGASC/ADLA (Winter Guard Association of Southern California).
Good luck in the competition! Our next meeting will be an online Zoom conference held on Thursday, March 11th, from 7:00 PM. Click here for the link to the meeting. Login details will be sent to all boosters by e-mail as well. All parents with students in the program are encouraged to attend.
The March newsletter is out, produced by our hard-working President! In it is information about past and upcoming fundraisers, the upcoming dine-out night at The Habit, donations, Project Inspire, and the Music Angels sponsorship program. Please click here to view it.