RBR Parents: Here's a link to the itinerary for Capo Valley this Saturday, rmd.me/Xtcap8tTWXM. Here's a link to the map, rmd.me/ND5Wi9m6ZWA. Click on the link if you can volunteer, https://signup.com/go/ugvRovw. Food donations are still needed. Click on the link to donate,
https://signup.com/go/ZUZqmDX. See you there! It's comp season! Let's feed our RBR members a snack. Please donate if you are able and click here. Drop off donations at student call time. If you would like to make a monetary donation to help fund our hospitality committee, please click here. Please add your name and comp date. Monetary donations need to be made by Thursday's. Feel free to contact Sahara Orosco to make arrangements at [email protected] or (714) 470-3034
Also please sign-up to donate baked goods (and other treats) for the concert. Sign- up here. Thank you!! 🍩🍭🍪🧁🍬
RBR's first comp! Saturdays comp dinner menu and sign up here. Volunteers greatly needed. See you there!